Saturday, November 18, 2017

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)


MoviePass movie #2
[saw at Williamsburg Cinema]

On Facebook I wrote:

Late to the party. Mostly liked. Too long. Really appreciate that a huge budget movie can be so artfully done. I hate modern sci fi effects. Nothing bores me more than a CGI environment and I expected this to absolutely fail where Blade Runner 1 succeeded. I just wanted to look and listen to the universe. Wanted even more street scenes! I can't believe no one mentioned how cool that scene was with holographic Elvis. Or the scene on the concrete beach beyond the wall. I ate it up. Any other fist fight in a movie would be drowned out by some EPIC TRACK. In The Elvis room, you could basically just hear the clicking of the lights coming on and off; that's great sound design! By about 3/4ths in I did want it to be over. But it looked and sounded so cool.

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